HisDudeness69 64岁, 男, 住在California


California, Santa Cruz
6 ft 1 in / 186-188 cm


Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat. Hey Bullwinkle, THAT's not a rabbit. Musta grabbed the wrong hat!
Well, since I am ready to shake the dust from this place...what you could have had was a gentleman. A friend and a lover. Someone who would have cared something about you. Someone who would have put your needs above his own. Someone who never pretended to be some delusional porn star fantasy but a REAL man with a REAL heart. Someone who is too courteous to tell most of you that you that you really aren't all that. Someone who would have tried to make the skankiest of you feel pretty and wanted. Someone who posted real photos and a real location. Someone with the cajones to want to actually meet you. Someone who came here with his glass half full, believing naively in what you were saying, so thank you for ruining that.
WHAT I WANTED: It is simple, just a mistress that could have fun, enjoy my company and have the possibility of romantic moments and carnal pleasures in the picture. I would have done everything possible to satisfy ALL your needs, mental, emotional & physical. WHAT I SHOULD HAVE BEEN POSTING: I want a person, male of female, who likes to post pictures of porn stars or photos stolen from web sites of other people. I like fake profiles, especially the creative kind. I like it when your English syntax has a Russian flavor to it. I really did want to send you money in Nigeria because that is just the kind of rathole place I would go if I was a beautiful woman. And I really did want to chat with you in another place that wanted my credit card to verify my age because I am on a heavy prescription of stupid. I wanted even more 20 somethings to explain to me how age is just a number because that makes so much sense. I really did want to meet a woman who could satisfy and keep me occupied all night with the added pressure of expecting me to drill you like an oil well for a good 8 hours. Because all guys love doing that. Mostly I wanted a woman who posed interesting questions like "CAN U HANDLE ME

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