mobedick1974 41歲, 男, 住在British Columbia


British Columbia, Kelowna
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm


11 1/2 to 14 inch cock thick and long danny ackerman .540 gertmar fuck that poosy all day long
iam 5 foot 7 180 ponds exstreemly athletice. i live in rutland a sub zone of kelowna b.c. canada whith white rose limousine serviseis. iam looking to recroot new wimen 18 and up for new relashenship. biesexuil is preferd . iam totely strate and not a swinger! i try to keep my wimen rather than fuck and chuck!iam going to be going to school on line for a home land sacurety pozishen as iam a dowelsitasun of u.s.a. and canada. i prefer mentely staeil indaviguils . that arent every ware but home. i wont you to become wate ever you wont to be i am not a baby siter. i love to look up at you and be prowed of what you do all day wen you are not home. how this wercks for those that have never bin in a motabeil wife relashenship but are curies is we werck and pool life ant free not even for me! if ones pregnent we all help you all love ech uther the same as you love me. iam a hebrow male . this is the anchent way of hebrows if you reed the bibel of the tora you wood see that we have had more than one wife throw out histery. for me its just always bin that way. i have never bin whith a strate women ever . i tryed we just dont getalong!iam in to kink cuffs and wips and sex toys longeray and i love unaforms thats fun . but thare are limets like you can sweed all day i dont give a fuck. but no hared drugs or your gon instantly. or bringing home dazesies from out sied sorsies or your gon. no uther men or your gon.have as menny wimen as you wont
i love to lifed wates and ride bike for exsersies . and iam a ex milatary personel for the kelowna dragoons .and a member of hermagestys royel canada legen. i love boxing for sport .and iam a expert in marshel arets . my riteing haredis . even thowe iam a other. i love nacher and anamels. i hate men mostly. but i love wimen all my life i have had more than one . i perfer to keep my wimen rater than throw tham away . i have had up to 200 bunnys at ones but every one must understaned that you a

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