frankzappa 26 years old, Man, Live in Alberta


Looking For
Alberta, Calgary
Marital Status
5 ft 9 in / 176-178 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Excuse me miss, does this rag smell like chloroform?
Well my name is Alexander. I'm very opinionated and as long as you aren't completely ignorant, I love to talk. I'm a fan of music, I play the guitar, trumpet, bass and drums as well as listen to a huge variety, from Tchaichofsky to Frank Zappa to Mad Sin to Emperor. I don't judge a person on their choices as I don't have the same experiences as them and as such I'm very respectful of others and their boundries. I'm comfortable in most situations and I'm pretty sure I'm good at making others comfortable.In the bedroom I'm all about pleasing who I'm with, I'll do almost whatever I can. I'm always eager to learn new things and try anything atleast once.
Primarily: Almost anyone. I want to meet someone who has some intelligence and a good sense of humour. Confidence is a plus. I have no discrimination to size, shape, age or colour because I've met 16 year olds that I would conisder to be more intelligent than some 40 year olds and I've met 40 year olds that are as, if not more fun and young at heart than anyone my age. Right now I'm not looking for anything serious because I just got out of a 2 year relationship although I met her when I wasn't looking for a serious relationship so you never know.As for in the bedroom, I want to meet someone who has a healthy sexual appetite. Being a teenage boy, of course I have no problems with one nighters, continuing flings or more. I've always wanted to fool around with someone of another race or someone a bit older than me, 27 and up, I've always been attracted to older women, in my experience they seem so much more experienced, intelligent and graceful and know what they want.

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