laquesha22 27岁, 女, 住在Ohio


Ohio, Shiloh
5 ft 2 in / 158-160 cm


I'm sugar looking for my spice
Hi my name is Tasha. I'm 22 im a very down to earth easy goin person. But I also have a bit of a wild side at times. I dont do drama or bullshit or play games(unless there in the bedroom lol). I'm also a very blunt and straight forward person. But im not a complete bitch lol. I love to have fun and try new things. I have kind of a motto that i live by, Ill try almost any thing once and twice if i like it. Or 3,6,9 times pending on how much i like it lol. Also I am kinda of a tomboy at times. Still very fem but i have some rough edges. Im a very reliable yet unpredictable person. Im unpredictable because I always keep people wondering. What im going to do or say or how i view things. This is all in a good way of course. Because i think a little bit of mystery is a good thing. For your self and the people around you. Oh and im a very playful person in a lot of ways. I love to goof around and make others laugh and pull some pranks every now and agin. I also have a bit of an attitude. I mean i dont just pop off at any thing. It takes alot to push my buttons, but if you hit the right ones the right way it's not good. But im a lover not a fighter if i can help it lol. I also have a daughter, her name is Jazmyn. She's my pride and joy and in my opinion the best part of me. My daughter comes before every one and every thing no acception's. And I think that about sums it up for this box lol. If we talk just ask anything and i'll tell you.I am sexy, fun, and outgoing
A woman who has the same interests as me.Who I can be my self around and likes me for me and vise versa.Also A good personality goes along way in my book,along with being attractive.Looks aren't every thing but you have to have,but you have to have some type of physical chemistry. And some one who is down to earth and open minded cause i'm a experimental person lol.

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