azia2009 40 years old, Woman, Live in Tennessee


Looking For
Man and Woman
United States
Tennessee, Knoxville
Marital Status
5 ft 8 in / 173-175 cm
Body Type
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looking 4 sum candy ...
Love about anything that is fun, exciting, and adventurous. ME...Pls read!!! Before I go any further, just want to make it very clear, that just because I'm on this site, does not mean I'm looking for anything. So if you throw it out there expect to get it thrown back... ...I have no tolerance for ignorance and shallowness.Joke 4U men (very humorous/very true)... THE WEDDING TEST...Carlos was a very happy man. Had wonderful girlfriend whom he had been dating for over a year and so they decided to get married. There was only one little thing bothering was her beautiful younger sister. His prospective sisterinlaw, who was young, sexC, wore very tight miniskirts, and generally was braless. One day her 'little' sister called and asked Carlos to come over to check wedding invitations. She was alone when Carlos arrived and whispered to him that she had feelings and desires for him that she couldn't overcome. She told him she wanted him just once before he got married and committed his life. She ask Carlos to meet her upstairs in her bedroom for one last fling. Carlos was stunned watching her walk up the stairs. He made a beeline straight to the front door and headed straight for his car! Low and be hold all his fiances family were outside clapping, proud that he passed their test... Moral of the story.... Always keep your condoms in the car... Question 4u guys...who was the sisternlaw? to be continued (HaHa!)
Just to keep it 100, I'm not on here actively searching for booty, I can do that at WalMart lol. Odds r unless I think you r the greatest thing since they put perms in a box, it's very possible we will never meet face to face. What I am looking for is someone that can hold their own, plain and simple.

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