ManHo111 39 years old, Man, Live in New York


Looking For
United States
New York, Malone
Marital Status
6 ft 3 in / 191-193 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Nice Man looking for sex maby more.
I am 38 years old. Kind gentle and compassionate. I like the outdoors and sometimes camp in the winter time. I don't abuse people and will not be abused. I am honest sometimes to a fault. Some say blunt. People always know where they stand with me. I am not shy or rude although I do tend to treat people the way they treat me. I'm told that I am a great lover. I sometimes bite during sex but if it hurts I will stop as asked. When it comes to sex I get the most pleasure when I am GIVEING pleasure. I used to live in Oakville CT and visit my aunt in Danbury often so if you live in CT and get a wink from me it means that I'm in the area and looking for someone to fuck.
I am looking for nice women who are mostly fit and good looking. You must have a nice personality and be very horny. I am looking for sex ASAP and if something moor developed then fantastic! I only date non smoking, bisexual women but will have sex with any suitable partner. NO STDS OR DRUGIES PLEASE. Personality is moor important than looks but looks are a factor. Please don't be fat. If you are interested and not sure if you are my type contact me anyway and send a NUDE picture of yourself that shows your face. I have found that a lot of women sell themselves short. The worst that can happen is that I'm not interested right? Take a chance you never know.

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