novaadastra 50岁, 男, 住在Wisconsin


Wisconsin, Waterloo


looking for freinds and a fun time
I am a man who is as comfortable in the deep woods as I am in the concrete jungle. I am looking for friends who want to spend time and have fun no strings attachedIam looking for a sole mate. It is hard to say what a sole mate is. There is only one way to ask but it is not the real answer. I think a sole mate is a person who likes what you do and will do it with you, but at times may be the exact opposite. If you are scared they can be strong. If you lead they can accept and follow. If you need help they will help. if you need time alone they will give you what you need. A better way to ask may be to say what you want and see if the other person likes those same things!
Capture and release fire fly's in a field with so many you think you are capturing stars in the sky. Fishing for lunch on a lake so smooth you think you are sitting on a mirror. Teach you how to fish. Take the hook out of the fish when you have caught lunch. Listen to the rain drops in between the thunder. Make love in a warm summer rain. Watch a sunrise together. See the same falling star. Do the dishes side by side. Build a sand castle. Keeping you warm on a long cold winters night. Try a new dish from another land. Pushing you on a swing until you scream! Share a triple ice cream cone on a hot day. Go to a drive in movie. Go to a county fair, go to a rock concert and scream until horse. Go to the ballet, a play and an opera, hold your hand and swing on a porch swing. Admire your face in the middle of the night as you sleep. Wake you in the morning with kisses, Butter fly kisses! Listen to you softly breathe as you sleep. Braid your hair, brush your hair, Join you in a bath and just hold you, fall asleep in your arms and wake up in your arms. Listen to your tummy rumble for food. Bless you when you sneeze, build a snowman, rake the leave in to a pile and jump in. lay under a tree and listen to it sing in the wind. Watch the snow blow and howl while sitting in front of a warm fire, share a hot coco with marsh me

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