joshb80 33 years old, Man, Live in Delaware


Looking For
United States
Delaware, Harrington
Marital Status
5 ft 7 in / 171-172 cm
Body Type
Not Working

About Me

disabled guy desperate
Hey there my names josh and hopefully I can make a good impression (wish me luck, I'm probably gonna need it lol). First of all I'm gonna let you know that I am "confined" to a wheelchair have been since I was eleven. And I live with my parents... the horror lol. Now that that's out of the way, let me tell you about the person beyond the disability. I try not to take everything super serious unless the situation calls for it. Therefore I have a naturally mellow personality when I'm comfortable with my surrounding and company. I'm quick to smile but quiet at first. Of course everyone says that lol. I can be quite introverted in a group; I'm an observer mostly but as I get accustom to the group I interact much more. I tend to have a sarcastic outlook on life and have to make sure the crowd I'm in won't take me the wrong way when I start joking around. I'm overly cautious sometimes. I enjoy creating and viewing art be it photography, painting, drawing, or writing. Ive got an imaginative mind, there was a time when I could draw quite well I had a passion for it. Its one of the abilities I've lost to this disability, sadly probably not the last I'll lose, but lets not dwell on that its in the past. As I said earlier I'm a mellow sarcastic self proclaimed dork, no reason to deny it. Yes I still watch cartoons on occasion and play fantasy based video games but by no means am I immature. Well at least most of the time. I love movies if its good I'll watch it
action, horror, suspense, comedy, foreign, and yes even so called chick flicks (but you didn't hear that from me *wink.. lol) If you can cook you'll have a friend in me, I love Italian, Chinese, Mexican, if it smells good I will happily eat it. Recently I've gotten into my musical side and have rediscovered many of my favorite types of music. Mostly classic rock and R&b, but i have just as varied a taste in music as i do movies and food. My favorite band is Queen, my favorite R&B group would have to be boyz 2 men (I'm re

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