2fists4cumnfun 36 years old, Man, Live in Florida


Looking For
United States
Florida, West Palm Beach
Marital Status
5 ft 11 in / 181-183 cm
Body Type
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About Me

Looking for GOOD friends.....
On the surface....eager and ready to please....a kisser....athletic/slender build.Penetrating deeper...I like boardgames....scrabble, pictionary, mindtrap, clue, to name a few. I guess I like puzzles and trying to figure things out.Penetrating even further...a Lion is King of the Jungle. Why? There are plenty of majestic and powerful beasts running around the bush. Take the Tiger for example. I was watching this nature channel and they were filming this tiger. The tiger was hunting, and got to within 30 35 yards from his prey without being seen. All of a sudden, the tiger let's out this hellacious growl and springs for the prey. The tiger had moved 35 yards before the prey could blink. Needless to say, the prey didn't stand a chance. Awesome...the tiger only hit the ground twice....the first was after its initial lunge. The second, was on the neck of his prey. I have never seen a lion do that....and that, my friend, is the answer. I have never seen a lion do that because a lion does not have to do that. The lion has a whole pride of bitches hunting for him. It's true...the lionesses will hunt and kill the prey, the lion will come over and eat damn near all of it, and leave the scraps for the women and cubs. The lionesses even have to protect the cubs because the lion may accidentally eat him too. So what's my point...getting dirty is for loosers. To be a king, you have to get other people to do the dirty work for you. Such is life.
Not looking for an ltr...but everyone says that. How about this...if it feels good when we chat, then I'm for chatting again. Chatting enough will lead to sweat generating, heart pounding, craving for more sex. If the sex is good, then they'll be plenty of it. Having that type of energetic sex will eventually lead to real feelings developing...and that's inevitable. Thus, the drama of the ltr. But what the hell...let's chat.

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