bocadillo88 26歲, 男, 住在Leicester


Leicester, Leicester


Are YOU Interested? (Can't send Messages :( )
NOTE: I can't send messages on here because I don't have a silver or gold membership! I keep reading messages asking me to get in contact...but I can't!I have been single for a few months and want to take my sex life to new heights, by meeting women of all shapes and sizes. I would say I am of an average build, but could be considered modest as I do participate in sports. I am also in to music, and like most genre's of rock, drum and bass, house, funky, heck lets just say I'm open minded, guess that's a plus point :P. I enjoy going to see gigs and if anyone would be interested in seeing some live gigs as an icebreaker I would be more than happy.I am not fussed who I end up with, but I do have preference of either a young girl with a either a slim athletic build or curves. The other option would be a middle aged woman, willing to show me the ropes. Either way I would have to travel and be accommodated if possible, though if the distance is close then I'm sure that won't matter too much. Although I don't really mind where the venue is, I would be up for the classic bedroom, outdoors somewhere, or in the backseat of a car (Though I currently don't have a car). So If you're interested get chatting!
I am not fussed who I end up with, but I do have preference of either a young girl with a either a slim athletic build or curves. The other option would be a middle aged woman, willing to show me the ropes. Either way I would have to travel and be accommodated if possible, though if the distance is close then I'm sure that won't matter too much. Although I don't really mind where the venue is, I would be up for the classic bedroom, outdoors somewhere, or in the backseat of a car (Though I currently don't have a car). If you're interested get chatting, but I am only a standard member, and I can't see myself buying silver or gold yet :(

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